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Showing posts from February, 2021

Advertisement II.

        IN this Second Edition of thefe Opticks I have  o-Tracts publifb'd at the End of the Former Edition, as not be-longing to the Subject.         And at the End of the Tbird Book I bave added fome 2ueftions.        And to Fbew that I do not Take Gravity for an Effential Property of Bodies,  I have added one 2ueftion concerning its Caufe,  cbufing to propofe it by way of a 2ueftion,  becaufe I am not yet fatisfied about it for want of Experiments.        July 16.       1717.                                    I. N.      ERRATA.        Pap. 342. Lin. 6. For feven,  read feven and 4 half. Ib. Lin. 8. For 14, read 15,  Ib. Lin. 10, for 21, 28,  or 35, read 22.50 , 30 or 38. Ib .lin. 21. For 70 , 140, 210 . Read 76, 152, 228. Pag.  366. I. 22. For beigbi read diftavce.     THE                                                 FIRST  BOOK             OF                 OPTICKS.                                        P A R T I         M Y  Defign in this Book is not to Explain the  Pro

Page 02 Isaac Newton

        thefe Matters,  I baoe bitber to de-Layed the printing,  and fbould ftill baoe delayed it,  bad not the Importunity of friends prevailed upon me If any other Papers writ on this Subject are got out of my Hands they are imperfect, and were perbaps written before I bad tried all the Experiments bere fet down,  and fully fatisfi-ed my felf about the laws of Re-fractions and Competition of Co-lours.         I baoe bere Publifb'd what I tbink proper to come abroad,  wifbing that it may not be translated into another Language with- out my Content.      The Crowns of Colours. which fo me times appear about the Sun and Moon, I baoe endeavoured to gioc an Account of,  but for            Want......!!          Advertisement:     want of fufficient Obferoations leaue that Matter to be Farther examined.          The Subject of the Tbird Book I baoe alfo left im- perfect,  not bauing tried all the Experiments which I intended when I was about thefe Matters,  nor repeated fome of tbofe wh

Advertisement I

Advertisement I.  PART of the ensfuing Dif - courfe about ligbt was written at the defire of fome Gentlemen of the Royal So- ciety , IN the Tear 1675, and then fent to tbeir Secretary ,  and read at their Meetings, and the reft was added about tweloe Tears after to complete the Tbeory;  ex- cept the tbird book,  and the left Propofition of the Second , which were fince put together out of fcatter'd Papers. To auoid be- ing engaged in Difputes about thefe !!!....

Isaac Newton

Name :  Isaac Newton Birth Date : January 4, 1643 Death Date : March 31, 1727 Did you know ? : Isaac Newton Helped Develop The Principles Of Modern Physics, Including The Laws Of Motion , And Is Credited As One Of The Great Minds Of The 17th-century Scientific Revolution. Did you know? : In 1687, Newton Published His Most Acclaimed Work , "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" ( Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy ) , Which Has Been Called The Single Most Influential Book On Physics. Did you know? :  Newton's Theory Of Gravity States That Two Objects Attract Each Other With A Force Of Gravitational Attraction That’s Proportional To Their Masses And Inversely Proportional To The Square Of The Distance Between Their Centers. Education : The King's School, University of Cambridge, Trinity College Place of birth :  Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom Place of death :  London, England, United Kingdom

Albert Einstein Quotes About Education

German Physicist Albert Einstein is known for being a genius and his name is even a moniker for a brilliant person (or in sarcasm, a less than brilliant person). He is famous for his Theory of Relativity as well as intellectual inventions like E=MC2. Many think of him as the father of modern physics and one of the more intelligent people in recent history. His brilliance is an inspiration to the scientific and educational communities alike.  Being an academic, he gave some good insight into the education process. 1 ,....“ Education  is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in  school .” 2,..Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits.” 3,...Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits  of  thinking.”

Terms of Service

1. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS The present document is an agreement between Website  Inc. (“Website ”), owner and operator of the inspirational content website, transactional platform or application, as the case may be, accessible notably at the URL address  (collectively, our “Sites”), and you, a user of our Sites (“User”). By visiting our Sites and/or purchasing something from us, you engage in our “Service” and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”, “Terms”), including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink, including Goalcast’s Privacy Policy (the “Policy”). Please read these Terms of Service carefully before accessing or using our Sites. By accessing or using any part of the Sites, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of those Terms, then you may not access the Sites or use any Services. The Site and the Service

Privacy Policy

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With over 30M fans and 500M video views a month, Website  empowers millions of people to live life with purpose. More than a content production powerhouse, Website  connects human beings seeking truth and authenticity.  The Website  story When co-founders Cyrus Website  and Salim Website  created Website  in 2016, they were both disillusioned by the traditional academic system.  Cyrus had suffered through years of low self-esteem and depression before discovering a psychological concept called the internal locus of control, the belief that you are responsible for your own success. The powerful mindset reframe helped him turn his life around, and made him wonder why this sort of principle was not taught in schools. Meanwhile, Salim was a physics teacher, and he couldn’t bear the thought of putting students into a box and limiting the extent of their potential to exams and grades. He and Cyrus came together to give others the tools to succeed in the school of life. Today, Website  is one