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With over 30M fans and 500M video views a month, Website  empowers millions of people to live life with purpose. More than a content production powerhouse, Website  connects human beings seeking truth and authenticity. 

The Website  story

When co-founders Cyrus Website  and Salim Website  created Website  in 2016, they were both disillusioned by the traditional academic system. 

Cyrus had suffered through years of low self-esteem and depression before discovering a psychological concept called the internal locus of control, the belief that you are responsible for your own success. The powerful mindset reframe helped him turn his life around, and made him wonder why this sort of principle was not taught in schools.

Meanwhile, Salim was a physics teacher, and he couldn’t bear the thought of putting students into a box and limiting the extent of their potential to exams and grades. He and Cyrus came together to give others the tools to succeed in the school of life.

Today, Website  is one of the fastest-growing personal development brands in the world. 

The Website  ecosystem

Our team has been called to adventure. The challenge we face is bigger than we can imagine, as is our potential. We are being asked to live the impossible.

We challenge ourselves to see different, to do different, to go deeper, to lean into our fears and act with purpose. In speaking our truths and leaning into the discomfort of growth, we attract the ecosystem of people ready to do the same. 


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