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Charles Babbage Quotes

 Charles Babbage/Quotes

At every increase of information, further as on the contrivance of each new tool, human labour becomes half-length.

Charles Babbage Quotes

The public character of each employee is legitimate subject of dialogue, and his fitness or unfitness for workplace could also be fairly canvassed by any individual.

It is thus not unreasonable to suppose that some portion of the neglect of science in European nation, could also be attributed to the system of education we tend to pursue.

A tool is sometimes additional easy than a machine; it's usually used with the hand, while a machine is often affected by animal or steam power.

Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and so permitting it to fall.

Perhaps it'd be higher for science, that every one criticism ought to be declared.

The economy of human time is that the next advantage of machinery in manufactures.

As presently as Associate in Nursing Analytical Engine exists, it'll neccessarily guide the longer term course of science.

On twice I even have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you place into the machine wrong figures, can the correct answers come back out?' i'm powerless justly to apprehend the type of confusion of concepts that might provoke such a matter.

At every increase of data, moreover as on the contrivance of each new tool, human labour becomes cut.

The first steps within the path of discovery, and therefore the initial approximate measures, area unit those that add most to the present data of human race.

Propose to Associate in Nursing Englishman any principle, or any instrument, but admirable, and you'll observe that the total effort of land mind is directed to seek out a problem, a defect, or Associate in Nursing impossibility in it. If you speak to him of a machine for peeling a potato, he can pronounce it impossible: if you peel a potato with it before his eyes, he can declare it useless, as a result of it'll not slice a pineapple.

The whole of the developments and operations of research area unit currently capable of being dead by machinery ... As presently as Associate in Nursing Analytical Engine exists, it'll essentially guide the longer term course of science.

A young man passes from our public faculties to the schools, ignorant nearly of the weather of each branch of helpful data.

Whenever a person will find of numbers, they're invaluable: if correct, they assist in informing his own mind, however they're still a lot of helpful in deluding the minds of others. Numbers area unit the masters of the weak, however the slaves of the robust.


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