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D E F I N. II.

 And therefore might Rays and Refractions be confidered, it light-weight be propagated in Associate in Nursing inftant.

however be Associate in Nursing Argument taken from the AEquations of the days of the Eclipfes of jupiter's Satellites it feems that light-weight is propagated in time, Fpending in its paffage from the Sun to U.S.A. regarding feven Minutes of time: and so I even have chofen to outline Rays and Refractions in fuch general terms as might conform to light-weight in each cafes.


Reflexibility of Rays, is their Difpofition to be mirrored or turned back to the celebrity Medium from the other Medium upon whofe Surface they fall.

And Rays square measure a lot of or lefs reflxible, that square measure turned back a lot of or lefs eafily.

As if light-weight pafs out of Glafs into Air, and by being inclined a lot of and a lot of to the common Surface of the Glafs and Air, begins at length to be completely mirrored by that Surface; thofe forts of Rays that at like Incidences square measure mirrored most copioufly or by move the Rays begin fooneft to be completely mirrored, square measure moft reflexible.

D E F I N. IV.

The Angle of Incidence is that Angle, that the road defcribed by the incident Ray contains with the Prependinclar to the reflective or refracting Surface at the purpose of Incidence.

B2. D E F I N.


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