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Louis Pasteur Top 14 Quotes

 In the fields of observation probability favors solely the ready mind.

Louis Pasteur 

Let Maine tell you the key that has semiconductor device Maine to my goal. My strength lies only in my purpose.

Science is responsive to no country, as a results of data belongs to humanity, and is that the torch that illuminates the planet.

When I approach a child, he evokes in Maine a try of sentiments; tenderness for what he's, and respect for what he might become.

There do not appear to be any such things as applied sciences, solely applications of science.

One doesn't raise of 1 WHO suffers: what's your country and what's your religion? One simply says: You suffer, that's enough on behalf of me.

The greatest derangement of the mind is to believe one thing as a result of one needs it to be thus.

Posterity can someday mock grandeur foolishness of the fashionable materialistic philosophy. The a lot of I study nature, the a lot of I stand stunned at the work of the Creator. I pray whereas i'm engaged at my add the laboratory.

When I approach a toddler, he evokes in ME 2 sentiments; tenderness for what he's, and respect for what he might become.

Change solely favours minds that area unit diligently trying and making ready for discovery.

Science is aware of no country, as a result of data belongs to humanity, and is that the torch that illuminates the planet. Science is that the highest personification of the state as a result of that nation can stay the primary that carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.

The Greeks bequeathed to USA one in all the foremost lovely words in our language--the word 'enthusiasm'--en theos--a god at intervals. The grandeur of human actions is measured by the inspiration from that they spring. Happy is he WHO bears a god at intervals, and WHO obeys it.

If it's a terrific thought that life is at the mercy of the multiplication of those minute bodies [microbes], it's a consolatory hope that Science won't perpetually stay overwhelmed before such enemies.

Intuition is given solely to him WHO has undergone long preparation to receive it.


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