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Page 12-13 Isaac Newton Book

 [ 12 ]

lours. For because the light-weight that comes from the

Point Q goes to the purpose g, commissioned military officer the sunshine that comes from different Points P and R of the article, can move to move to move to Points

pand r (as is manifeſt by the fixth Axiom;) ſo

that every purpose of the article fhall illuminate a correſpondent purpose of the image, and there-

by build an image just like the Object in form and color, this solely excepted, that the image the image inverted.

And this can be this can be of that

vulgar Experiment of caſting the Species of Ob-

jects from abroad upon a Wall or Sheet of written report in a very dark space.

În like manner, once a person views any Object

PQR, [in Fig. 8.] the sunshine that comes from

the ſeveral Points of the article is commissioned military officer refracted

by the tranſparent skins and humours of the

Eye, (that is by the outward coat EFG known as

the membrane tissue layer, and by the cryſtalline hu-

mour A B that is on the far side the Pupil m k) on converge and meet once more at ſo several points in

the bottom of the attention, and there to color the

Picture of the article upon that skin (called the membrane Retina) with that the lowest of the attention is roofed.

For Anatomiſts after they have

taken oif from the lowest of the attention that out-

ward and moſt thick Coat known as the meninges Ma-

ter, will then ſee through the diluent Coats,

the Pictures of Objects spirited painted there-

And theſe footage propagated by Mo-

tion on the Fibres of the Optick Nerves in-

to the Brain, area unit the cauſe of Viſion. For ac-

cordingly as theſe footage area unit good or im-

perfect, the article the article absolutely or imperfect-




[ 13 ]

ly. If the attention be colorful with any color (as in
the Diſeaſe of the Jaundiſe) ſo on tinge the
Pictures within the bottom of the attention thereupon
Colour, then all Objects seem colorful with the celebrity color.

If the humours of the attention by
old Age decay, ſo as by ſhrinking to form the
Cornea and Coat of the Cryſtalline humour grow praise than before, the sunshine won't be re- fracted enough, and for wish of a ſufficient Re- fraction won't converge to the lowest of the
Eye however to ſome place on the far side it, and by con-
fequence paint within the bottom of the attention a con- fuſed image, and in step with in step with in step with this image the item can seem con- fuſed.

this can be this can be of the decay of fight
in old Men, and ſhews why their Sight is mend- ED by Spectacles. For thoſe umbellate umbellate fup- ply the defect of plumpneſs within the Eye, and by encreaſing the Refraction create the Rays con- verge ſooner ſo on on at the lowest of the attention if the Glafs have a due de- gree of convexity.

and also the contrary happens in ſhort-lighted Men whoſe Eyes ar too plump.

For the Refraction being currently too nice, the
Rays converge and convene within the Eyes before they are available at the bottom; and so the
Picture created within the bottom and also the Viſion
cauſed thereby won't won't, unleſs the
Object be brought FO close to the attention as that the
place wherever the connexion Rays convene could also be removed to the lowest, or that the plump- neſs of the attention be set out and also the Refracti- ons diminiſhed by a Concave-glaſs of a due de- gree of Concavity, or laſtly that by Age the

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