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Page 14-15 Isaac Newton Book

 [ 14 ]

Eye grow blandish until it return to a due Figure i

For thort-ſighted Men fee remote Objects beſt

in Old Age, and so they're accounted

to have to own to own.

Isaac Newton 


AN Object ſeen by Reflexion or Refraction,

appears therein place from wherefrom the Rays af.

ter their laſt Reflexion or Refraction diverge in

falling on the Spectator's Eye.

If the article A[in Fig. 9.] be ſeen by Reflexion

of a Looking-glaſs m n, it hall seem, not in its correct place A, however behind the Glaſs at a, from wherefrom any Rays AB, AC, AD, that ensue one and also the fame purpose of the article, do when their Reflexion created within the Points B, C, D, di- verge in going from the Glaſs to E, F, G, wherever they're incident on the Spectator's Eyes.

For theſe Rays do build the celebrity image within the bottom of the Eyes as if they'd return from the article extremely placed at a while not the inter- poſition of the trying trying and every one Vifion is formed consistent with the place and ſhape of that image.

In like manner the article D [in Fig. 2.] ſeen

through a Priſm, seems not in its correct place D, however is thence tranſlated to ſome different place d ſituated within the within the Ray F G drawn backward from F to d.

And ſo the article Q [in Fig.10.] ſeen through

the Lens AB, seems at the place from wherefrom the Rays diverge in pafling from the Lens to the attention. currently it's to be noted, that the Image of



[ 15 ]

the Object at letter is ſo abundant larger or leſſer than the item it felf at letter, because the because the the Image at g from the Lens AB is greater is greater than the diſtance of the item at from the
fame Lens. And if the item the item through
two or additional additional broken-backed or Concave-glafles,
every each each build a replacement Image, and the
Object ſhall seem within the place and of the big- neſs of the laſt Image. that that un- folds the speculation the speculation the speculation.

For that Theory conſiſts in almoſt nothing elſe
than the deſcribing ſuch Glaſſes as ſhall build
the laſt Image of any Object as diſtinct and
large and lambent because it will handily be

I have currently given in Axioms and their Ex-
plications the ſumm of what hath as yet been
treated of in Opticks. For what hath been ge-
nerally united on I content my ſelf to aſſume
under the notion of Principles, so as to what I actually have farther to jot down.

And this might fuffice
for associate Introduction to Readers of fast Wit
and sensible sensible not however however in Op-
ticks: though though World Health Organization ar already acquain-
ted with this Science, and have handled handled,
will additional without delay apprehend what followeth.

Doday Coogle


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