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Page 18-19 isaac newton book

 T 18 ]

the Horizon and to the parallel edges of the

Paper DJ and HE, and therefore the tranfverfe Line FG

is perpendicular to the Plane of the Window.

And d e repreſents the Image of the Paper ſeen by Refraction upwards in ſuch manner that the blue 0.5 weight unit is carried higher to weight unit than the red 0.5 F E is to atomic number 26, and so fuffers a larger Refraction.

If the sting of the refract-

ing Angle be turned downward, the Image of

the Paper are going to be refracted downward, fuppoſe to dɛ, and therefore the blue 0.5 are going to be refracted lower to Dy than the red 0.5 is to letter of the alphabet.

Exper. 2. regarding the aforeſaid Paper, whoſe

two halfs were painted over with red and blue, and that was itiff like skinny skinny, I lapped ſeveral times a flender thred of terribly black Silk, in ſuch manner that the ſeveral elements of the thred may seem upon the colors the colors several black Lines drawn over them, or like long and flender dark Shadows caft upon them.

I might have drawn black Lines with a Pen,

but the threds were ſmaller and higher outlined.

This Paper so colored and lined I ſet againſt a Wall sheer to the Horizon, ſo that one among the colors the colors to the correct hand, and therefore the alternative to the left. Cloſe before the Paper at the confine of the colors below I placed a Candle to illuminate the Paper ſtrong-

ly: For the Experiment was tried within the Night.

The flame of the Candle reached up to the

lower fringe of the Paper, or a awfully very little higher.

Then at the diſtance of fix Feet and one or 2 Inches from the Paper upon the ground I erected a glaſs Lens four Inches and 1 / 4 broad,


[ 19 ]

which might collect the Rays coming back from the ſeveral Points of the Paper, and build them con- verge towards ſo several alternative Points at the ſame diſtance of fix Feet' and one or 2 Inches on the opposite the opposite the Lens, and ſo kind the I. mage of the colored Paper upon a white Pa.

per placed there, once the celebrity manner that a Lens at a hole in a very in a very the pictures of Objects abroad upon a Sheet of written report in a very dark area. The aforeſaid written report, e- rected perpendicular to the Horizon and to the Rays that acquired it from the Lens, I moved moved towards the Lens, fometimes from it, to seek out the places wherever the pictures of the
blue and red elements of the colored Paper appear- impotency impotency impotency.

Thoſe places I eaſily knew by
the Images of the black Lines that I had created by winding the Silk regarding the Paper. For the pictures the pictures fine and flender Lines (which by reaſon of their blacknefs were like Shadows on the Colours) were confuſed and ſcarce vifi- ble, unleſs once the colors on either ſide of every Line were terminated moſt diſtinctly.

ting thus, as diligently as I may, the
places wherever the pictures of the red and blue
halfs of the colored Paper appeared moft di- ftinct, I found that wherever the red 1/2 the Paper appeared diſtinct, the blue 0.5 appeared confuſed, ſo that the black Lines drawn upon it may may be ſeen ; and on the contrary, wherever the blue 0.5 appeared moſt diſtinct, the red 0.5 appeared confuſed, ſo that the black Lines upon it were ſcarce viſible.

And between
the two places wherever wherever pictures appeared
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 [ 20 ] diſtinct there was the diſtance of an in. and a half: the diſtance of the study from the Lens, once the Image of the red half the colored Paper appeared moſt diſtinet, being larger by an in. associate degreed an 0.5 than the diſtance of the celebrity study from the Lens, once the Image of the blue 0.5 appeared moſt di- ftinct. In like Incidences thus of the blue and red upon the Lens, the blue was refracted a lot of by the Lens than the red, ſo on con- verge ſooner by an in. and a 0.5, and there- fore is a lot of refrangible. Illuſtration. isaac newton book In the twelfth Figure, DE lig- nifies the colored Paper, metric weight unit the blue 0.5, FE the red 0.5, MN the Lens, HJ the white Paper in this place wherever the red 0.5 with its black Lines appeared diſtinct, and Bi the ſame Paper in this place wherever the blue 0.5 appear- impotence impotence. The place hi was nearer to the Lens MN than the place HJ by an in. and Scholium. The ſame things fucceed, notwith- ſtanding that

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