[ 20 ]
diſtinct there was the diſtance of an in. and a half: the diſtance of the study from the Lens, once the Image of the red half the colored Paper appeared moſt diſtinet, being larger by an in. associate degreed an 0.5 than the diſtance of the celebrity study from the Lens, once the Image of the blue 0.5 appeared moſt di- ftinct. In like Incidences thus of the blue and red upon the Lens, the blue was refracted a lot of by the Lens than the red, ſo on con- verge ſooner by an in. and a 0.5, and there- fore is a lot of refrangible.
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In the twelfth Figure, DE lig-
nifies the colored Paper, metric weight unit the blue 0.5,
FE the red 0.5, MN the Lens, HJ the white
Paper in this place wherever the red 0.5 with its
black Lines appeared diſtinct, and Bi the ſame
Paper in this place wherever the blue 0.5 appear- impotence impotence. The place hi was nearer to the Lens MN than the place HJ by an in. and Scholium. The ſame things fucceed, notwith- ſtanding that ſome of the Circumſtances be va- ried: as within the within the once the Priſm and Paper area unit any ways in which inclined to the Hori- zon, and in each once colored Lines area unit drawn upon terribly black Paper.
But within the De-
fcription of theſe Experiments, I actually have I actually have I actually have by that either the Phæ- nomenon can be render'd a lot of a lot of, or a Novice would possibly a lot of a lot of attempt them, or by
which I did attempt them solely. The ſame factor I
have typically worn out the subsequent Experiments : regarding all that this one Admonition might fuffice.
an half.
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ſuffice. currently from theſe Experiments it fol-
lows not that each one the sunshine of the blue is a lot of
Refrangible than all the sunshine of the red : For
both Lights ar mixed of Rays otherwise Re-
frangible, ſo that within the red there ar ar Rays not leſs Refrangible than thoſe of the blue, and within the blue there ar ar Rays less Re-
frangible than thoſe of the red: however however Rays
in proportion to the complete lightweight ar however few,
and ſerve to diminiſh the Event of the Expe-
riment, however don't seem to be ready to ready to.
For if the red and blue colors were a lot of dilute and weak, the diſtance of the pictures would be leſs than an in. and a half; and if they were a lot of a lot of and full, that diſtance would be larger, as can seem hereafter. Theſe Experiments could could for the colors of Natural Bodies.
For within the colors created by the Refraction of
Priſms this Propoſition can seem by the Ex-
periments that ar currently to follow within the next
The Light of the Sun conſiſts of Rays otherwise Refrangible.
The Proof by Experiments.
Exper. 3. during a} very dark Chamber at a spherical
hole concerning one third a part of associate degree
Inch broad, created within the Shut of a Window I
placed a Glafs Priſm, whereby the Beam of the Sun's lightweight that came in at that hole may
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