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Richard Feynman Quotes

 The first principle is simply} just mustn't fool yourself and you are the best person to fool.

Richard Feynman

If i'd build a case for it to the somebody, i'd not area unit well well worth the honor.

What I cannot manufacture, i do not understand.

Physics is like sex: positive, it's progressing to provide some wise results, but that's not why we have a tendency to tend to possess sex.

Physics is to branch of knowledge what sex is to sexual practice.

For a in technology, reality ought to take precedence over packaging, for Nature cannot be fooled.

Nature uses entirely the longest threads to weave her patterns, therefore each little piece of her material reveals the organization of the complete tapestry.

I was born not knowing and have had entirely slightly time to vary that here and there.

I believe that an individual looking nonscientific problems is just as dumb as a result of future guy.

Physicists favor to assume that each one you have to undertake to to is say, these ar the conditions, presently what happens next?

If you cannot make a case for one thing to a primary year student, then you haven't very understood .

Fall soft on with some activity, and do it! no one ever figures out what life is all regarding, and it does not matter. Explore the planet. Nearly everything is absolutely attention-grabbing if you enter it deeply enough. Work as laborious and the maximum amount as you would like to on the items you wish to try to to the simplest. do not accept what you would like to be, however what you would like to try to to. carry on some reasonably a minimum with different things in order that society does not stop you from doing something in any respect.

It does not matter however lovely your theory is, it does not matter however good you're. If it does not trust experiment, it's wrong.

The first principle is that you simply should not fool yourself and you're the best person to fool.

Study laborious what interests you the foremost within the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner attainable.

First you guess. do not laugh, this is often the foremost vital step. Then you calculate the results. Compare the results to expertise. If it disagrees with expertise, the guess is wrong. therein straightforward statement is that the key to science. It does not matter however lovely your guess is or however good you're or what your name is. If it disagrees with expertise, it's wrong. that is all there's to that.

You have no responsibility to measure up to what others assume you have to be compelled to accomplish. I even have no responsibility to be like they expect Maine to be. It's their mistake, not my failing.

Looking back at the worst times, it forever appears that they were times within which there have been those that believed with absolute religion and absolute intolerance in one thing. and that they were thus serious during this matter that they insisted that the remainder of the planet trust them. then they'd do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs so as to keep up that what they aforesaid was true.

I think it's far more attention-grabbing to measure not knowing than to own answers which could be wrong. I even have approximate answers, and attainable beliefs, and completely different degrees of uncertainty regarding various things, however i'm conditionally positive of something. There square measure several things i do not recognize something regarding, like whether or not it means that something to raise "Why square measure we have a tendency to here?" i would accept it a touch bit, and if i am unable to figure it out then i am going on to one thing else. however i do not have to be compelled to recognize a solution. i do not feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost within the mysterious universe while not having any purpose - that is that the means it very is, as way as I will tell.



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